JP9347 Phase 1 – Joint Data Networks

JP9347 is the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) led modernisation and enhancement of the ADF’s Joint Data Networks Capability, including Defence’s Multi Tactical Data Links Networks and the Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS)
What is JP9347 doing:
- Developing a Joint Data Network (JDN) to facilitate secure and seamless communication and information sharing across the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and its partners.
- Establishing a common network architecture and standards to enable interoperability across the ADF’s various platforms and systems.
- Ensuring that the JDN is resilient and adaptable to changing operational requirements and emerging threats.
- Expanding the JDN coverage across Australia and in Australian Areas of Operations.
- Introducing new tools and technologies to enhance situational awareness and decision-making, such as advanced analytics and visualization tools.
- Enhancing the ADF’s cyber security posture through the introduction of advanced threat detection and mitigation capabilities.
Why JP9347 is needed:
- The JDN provides highly secure and jam resistant communications at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels to ADF command elements and platforms.
- JP9347 will Improve communication and information sharing within the ADF and with its partners, enabling increased coordination of military operations.
- Enable a networked force through the distribution of Command and Control and Situational Awareness information.
- Ensure accurate and timely information exchange across ADF and Coalition forces that can ultimately enable multi-platform detection and prosecution of threats and targets.
C2A Consulting contributed to JP9347 by:
- Development of program architecture
- Taking a leading role through the Capability Management Gate Review (CMGR), Investment Committee (IC) and Gate 2 approval process
- Led the development and evaluation of the Request for Tender
- Successfully negotiated a contract with industry to deliver key capability
- Contributing to the development of the Capability Definition Documentation suite
Led project through Mandated System Reviews
- Leading the coordination of Fundamental Inputs to Capability to enable an assured and resilient JDN Capability
Our Team




**All information displayed regarding JP9347 on this site is available through open, unclassified sources**