JP2008 Phase 5

Joint Project 2008 Phase 5B1 aims to enhance the Defence Satellite Communications (SATCOM) capability through the delivery of a family of certified Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) transportable land terminals.
What JP2008 is doing:
- Introducing Wide Band satellite ground station – Kapooka
- Includes network management system and network distribution system
- Satcom OPS out of Defence Network Operations Centre
- Supports satcom operations for domestic and deployed forces
- To remediate obsolescence and enhance defence’s SATCOM capabilities and capacity
- Introduce enhanced monitoring and management capabilities to better respond to malicious threats
- Support timely distribution of situational awareness and command and control information across the joint force
How C2A Consulting has contributed:
- Transition of JP2008 systems into service
- Standup of support contract with industry
- Development of requirements and contracts for the delivery of an operational demonstrator to support operator training
- Development and implementation of Risk Mitigation activities
- Support to developing materiel release packs
- Providing advice on operation of in-service support contracts including key recurring services and task priced services to reduce the use of S&Qs and save commonwealth money.
- Review of contractor deliverables for commonwealth acceptance

**All information displayed regarding JP2008 on this site is available through open, unclassified sources**